Sunday, April 27, 2008

a lil update here, a lil update there - links updated!

This blog can be classified as dead anyway. Haha. Since i haven't start my clinical phase which means i should have the most time of all the contributors.. i'll just put up this sorry excuse for a post.

The links to fellow M205-ians are updated!

Welcome our newest blogger batchmates Jackie Liew (tall Jackie aha) and Chee Mei! Also some of the bloggers have changed their blog URLs and i've updated them accordingly, namely Sebby, Keat How, the CH sisters Chui Han and Chia Huan, Yunny Hunny Bunny, M205's best speaker Pwasad, self-proclaimed leng zhai Chow Chow, and not forgetting not-the-other-Gary Gary Chia :)

Meanwhile feast your eyes on these picture updates by our fellow batchmates all over the globe :)

Jeremy Nunis hiking in Tasmania

Chia Huan celebrating Easter holidays in Melbourne

Chui Han clubbing in Perth

Yun and Fish going around Adelaide and Sydney

Chow, Nurliana, Wei Ming, Juliana going to Kapiti Coast and Botanic Garden in kiwi-land

Sebby, Bmed-ians and the Infinity Milers being leeched at Gunung Hantu Besar


Till next update, ta!